Bi-Folding Doors - The Benefits of Using Them

 There are many benefits of using bi-folding doors when finishing, renovating or remodeling an interior space. They can come in any design to fit a particular design style. A bi-fold door is a set of panels that has two or more hinged sections, usually folding in pairs. The doors can be opened from either side for one pair, or fold both sides for several pairs.


Larger bi-fold door systems are used as room dividers, barn doors, and even airplane hangar doors. They are usually hung from overhead tracks and suspended by rollers or casters. The innermost door panel has a knob or a door-pull which allows the user to fold the door panels together.

Bi-fold doors eliminate the problem of supporting a large overhead door in a commercial garage or airplane hangar with a low threshold options that offer unrestricted floor space. These doors can be hung in a series, making them ideal as room dividers. The same tracking used for sliding door systems can also be incorporated into bi-fold doors. The design of a bi-fold door allows the panels to fold on themselves without changing the orientation of the suspended casters or rollers. Because the tracks and casters receive some unusual stresses from the opening and closing action, bigger and heavier bi-fold doors are usually equipped with pivot floor tracks to prevent the panels from swinging and to add structural stability.

Arguably, quite a few years ago, the most popular was the louvered door. A louvered door has stationary or movable wooden slats, or louvers, which permit open ventilation while allowing privacy and preventing passage of light to the interior. They can create dramatic sliding sashes to open up a room or building without reducing thermal or weather resistance.

Louvered bi-fold doors are usually used for closets and laundry rooms where ventilation is required. Smaller louvered bi-fold doors are also commonly used to form window shutters in many businesses and homes. Although bi-fold doors are not intended to secure things as a sturdy front door does, bi-folds can be used all around a home as interior shutters in place of curtains. This is not only an ideal solution for people with dust allergies but they can also provide maximum privacy when closed and floods space with light when open.

Other popular bi-fold doors are the mirror-paneled bi-folds. These are usually found in bedrooms and bathrooms of the home. Mirrored bi-folds may act as full-body mirrors and that is one of the traits that make them a favorite in the wardrobe area. Also specially effective in small spaces, mirrored bi-fold doors provide the illusion of having a bigger space when closed, yet allow maximum use of space in homes, restaurants, hotels, bars, or other interior spaces when opened.

With the advancement of technology doors are produced to be more energy efficient and attractive. Thermally broken aluminium Bi-folding doors are now designed to allow for maximal airflow through an opening. This Bi-folding mechanism is constructed using a chassis in which the movable parts strategically positioned so that the elements can be folded both left and right.

It is no wonder that new designs like the Visofold Panorama, which offers a slim line design; weather proof and virtually maintenance free, are used in homes, hotels, restaurants and stores for its space saving features.

Generally, having bi-fold doors installed is relatively inexpensive. However, the cost of having bi-fold doors can vary depending on the size, materials, and labour. Aside from all the benefits of using bi-folding doors, some can actually be installed by the homeowner themselves.



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